Overflow Students
Take a look at our options for students of Overflow
(and the community!)

Overflow Student Ministry
We see them as a part of the larger Church! They are valuable to the body and their voices are necessary! They will begin to realize and walk in that truth the more we give them opportunity to be one with the Church. During the Sunday morning worship service we will offer a place to write down Big Ideas, “Ah ha!” Moments or questions from their worship experience. (What a wonderful tool to have at your disposal as a parent! Talk about conversation starters!!) Then, as our Student Ministry gathers, we have a wonderful jumping off point to begin chewing on and walking out what God Himself is saying to your teens.
Overflow Fine Arts
Overflow Fine Arts is a non-profit program centered on revealing and developing the Arts in children, youth, and adults while equipping and empowering them to bring revelation to those around them using their gifts. Offering group classes, individual mentorships, private lessons, seminars, and more, Overflow Fine Arts has something for everyone.