Chuck Ammons
Vision & Communication
I would love to hear from you! Send me an email or message anytime and I'll respond as soon as I'm able.
Email: chuck@myoverflowchurch.com
My Story
I was born in South Carolina, but have spent nearly my entire life in the beautiful state of Florida. For as long as I can remember, I have believed in God, but my faith first became personal to me around the age of 15. I believed that God was good, but viewed myself as a disappointment. Because of this, my early walk with Him was defined by strict disciplines, guilt and striving.
This began to change at the age of 17 when I met a youth pastor — a joyful and passionate man of God who would go on to become my best buddy and co-laborer at Overflow Church, Chris Thomas. God has continually used Chris to shape my faith as we have lived out this wild adventure with Jesus together. In 2001, I came to South Brandon Worship Center (now Overflow Church) with my then fiancée Jill, and came under the direct mentoring of our Lead Pastor, Len Harper. Len has been a spiritual father to us in every sense of the word and continues to be the biggest human influence in our view of walking with Jesus and leading in ministry.
In early 2015, I attended a Power and Love conference in Naples, Florida that literally changed the trajectory of my life. After years of ‘spiritual growth steps’ and ‘disciplines’ that left me exhausted, I encountered the profound love of God in the stillness of a hotel room. In the days that followed, I found I was able to walk in the simplicity and power of “receiving and releasing God’s love” and have never been the same.
My Hope for Overflow Church
My deepest prayer for Overflow Church is that ALL people would experience the God who adores them and discover how to walk in the simple and beautiful Kingdom of God. I have been married to the love of my life, Jill, since 2002 and we have five incredible — and very energetic — kids: Bradley, Josiah, Gabriel, and twins Andrew and Annabelle. The 7 of us also count it a great joy to partner in reunifying families and are a foster family to some amazing little ones!